This is a long catch up post to try and log the first half of 2024’s BAM outings. There were a lot of short last minute rides from home this year, as well as a couple of corking nights out further afield, so without any further ado:

Headed out late on Monday as I was headed to Glasgow for work the following day, so it was my last chance to squeeze in my January BAM. As usual, I wasn’t free to leave till after 11pm so just aimed to hit a small patch of forest out past Westhill that I hadn’t actually slept in before. The sky was clearing as I rode, so the temperature was dropping pretty rapidly. I was only half an hour or so from home, so had my hammock slung for a midnight cuppa and doughnut before turning in. Slept fine, though not as warm as recent nights – the reason became obvious when I got moving the next morning as all the standing on water on the forestry track was frozen through. This kept the next section of grassy farm track nice and firm for my road tyres with just one icy bridge with some sizeable gaps to cross over the Leuchar Burn before heading back to tarmac and home for work.

Almost cosy overnight, but needed my warmer bag at these temperatures
Freezing fog firmed up the sodden land nicely
Picturesque view of the dodgy burn crossing
Final bit of offroad before speeding back to town on tarmac

As usual what felt like a pain to fit in at a late hour turned into a pleasant night and stunning morning ride – never regretted a bivy yet

The usual late start on the 27th as I rode out past Drumoak at 11pm to try out a nice patch of forestry I’d never had a proper look in before. The weather held, so I had a pleasant tarpless night under the stars before riding home to get to work. 36km all in.

Idyllic wake up
Minimal packing
Ready to go
Easy ride home

Almost a carbon copy of February, heading out just before midnight on the 30th to try out a spot on the side of a hill near Echt. Greeted by a lovely sunrise and cruised back early enough to perform Easter bunny duties in the back garden before the kids were up and about! A healthy 40km and a chance to try out the new Pixel phone camera.

Stunning morning
Nae bad viewpoint
Some frost on the trails
Lovely Easter Saturday

Last night of the month of course, but at least I set out before it was dark, just after 8pm. Went to the western end of the Hill of Fare and got the hammock up in the trees just past the edge of the forestry in the hope of a view over Deeside. Was instead greeted with dense fog and dropped back to the road to complete an 80km loop to the office for work.

Super rare ride started in near daylight
Sky full of stars raised my hopes for the morning
Hopes quickly dashed upon waking
Some bogs happened
Pleasantly moody

There had been some lovely weather this month but I still waited till the 27th to get my bivy in. My lovely new pole from Bearbones Bikepacking had arrived so I could finally try out my Lanshan tent on the edge of Durris forest. I’d slept in the hammock there once before and decided to try pitching on the lush grass where the Elsick Mounth heads towards Stonehaven. Pretty much the second I got the tent off the bike, the midges descended to make for a hellish pitching experience and attempted fast entry to the tent with my gear. The morning wasn’t much better, but after much swearing and flailing I got myself packed up and allowed my movement up and over Meikle Carewe windfarm to rid me of the insect assassins on my way home in the sun, for 50km total.

Almost beat the sunset
Edge of the forest
No idea how I stood still long enough to take this picture
My morning welcome committee
Still a nice spot
Wind farm targeted
Another great morning (As long as I was moving)

I could technically have ticked this off on the first night of the month during TransScotland, as I had a decent 2 hour kip on a bench at the Corrieshalloch visitor centre till 4am. However, I had proper nights out during a Coast to Coast to Coast ride with friends later in the month. The weather was very mixed to say the least, which resulted in a couple of bonus hotel stays. I’ll count the first tent night as my BAM however! This was on the second night of the trip, next to Larachantivore. Pitched up in sunshine and was greeted with the mother of all rainy nights, to give the tent a proper test. Had a proper soggy day to follow on our way over to Poolewe.

Could have counted as a BAM at a push!
Dragging the C2C team into the wilderness
Good to be back in Fisherfield
Before the overnight weather battering
Lots of weather happened on the way to Carnmore
One of the coasts

That was that for the first half of the year, a bunch of local stuff, followed by some proper wilderness as a contrast. All as enjoyable as ever!

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